Ephemeral/Ephemera IEA Juried Exhibition 2023

Call for Entry

Ephemeral/Ephemera: A special exhibition of small encaustic and cold wax works on paper at Mulranny Arts in Mulranny, Ireland.

October 10- November 15, 2023

Ephemerality is a state that is deeply integral to the human experience. Moments, objects, and beings; all exist for a brief time and then disappear or transition to another state. We consider that which is ephemeral to be particularly fleeting, and a poignancy resides there. Closely related, ephemera are the bits and pieces of our lives (typically paper items) that were not intended to be preserved yet become the memorabilia that we keep to memorialize those meaningful but passing moments.

Ephemeral/Ephemera will showcase works on paper that illuminate the concept of the ephemeral from an artist's perspective, using wax as a primary medium. We invite national and international artists to consider how we experience ephemerality. Dreams, memories, chance encounters, nature, time, seasons, and even the nature of wax and paper itself are potential areas of exploration. What do we wish to hold on to, and what do we wish to let go of?

We are fortunate to have Michele Randall as our juror. She is an American artist, currently living and working in Pennsylvania. Randall earned a BA and Visual Arts MFA from Penn State University, Pennsylvania and has participated in group and solo exhibitions across the United States and Europe. She was awarded a residency at Castle Hill, Truro Center for the Arts; named as a finalist in The Woman United 2022 Award, and has been recognized in a number of other notable shows. Randall is also an instructor, conducting regular workshops in encaustic and cyanotype printmaking both virtually and in person. She has taught as an adjunct professor at Penn State and Susquehanna University.

Randall's work explores the lasting impact of cultural narratives written for women during the past century. She incorporates the use of encaustic, cyanotype printmaking, and collage which may be used in tandem or on their own. Her current body of work explores the exuberance of family celebrations and the tug-of-war that exists between the energy expended in producing joyful moments and the reality of the spectacle.  Consistent use of saturated colors and bold shapes contrasts with an unstable balancing point. These unrealistic fulcrums indicate the impossibility of being in full control and yet still being able to be filled with delight.

In a parallel process, she also creates narrative cyanotypes, utilizing found family photographs, garden plants, and vintage ephemera from the mid-20th century such as sewing patterns and Good Housekeeping Magazines, which reference her adolescent life. At times, figures are absent from the work to convey a moment of transition. These narrative images are collaged into cyanotype prints, a camera-less photography method. The distinctive blue print implies a sense of memory and nostalgia and reflects the constructed histories that still shape current societal expectations of women. 


Call Opens June 19, 2023

Last day to submit August 14, 2023

Acceptance notification September 5, 2023

Shipped artwork must be received at Essence of Mulranny Studios by October 1, 2023

Opening Reception TBD, October of 2023

Show Closes November 15, 2023


All IEA members and nonmembers working in wax as their primary medium

Entrants must be 18 years or older


Wax (cold or heated) must be the primary medium, and the substrate must be paper (or other thin, flat material) that fits into a standard 9x12” shipping envelope (no exceptions). You may submit a work that is larger than 9x12” but  it must be made of components that can be folded or stacked and shipped in the standard envelope (ie: a piece that is 18x24”, but made of 4 sheets of 9x12” paper.)

Works will be hung, unframed, with magnets. 


ALL submissions will be online uploads of images of your artwork via artCall.org at this link

If you are new to using Artcall.org, PLEASE read the following carefully, and watch the tutorial video below before entering.

     * To apply, register for the call at the above web address by creating an account (or logging in if you already have one) with artCall.org. You will get an email confirmation of your registration         with a link to complete your submission.

     * Pay the submission fee, which will allow you to submit 3 artworks for $25.  ArtCall.org uses the term "applications" to refer to artwork submissions.  

     * Add the requested information and upload an image for each artwork application. You are permitted to upload an additional detail image with each application. There are instructions along the way to help you.

     * Don't worry if you make a mistake or want to change your applications; you may continue to edit them until the call end date by logging back into your account. 

     * There is a 60 minute time limit, so it is best to have all your images and information gathered and ready to go before beginning the entry submission (but you can make changes later if needed)

Please submit images as jpg files using the following guidelines: 300 dpi images under 10 MB with the longer side dimension no smaller than 960 and no larger than 3200 pixels.

Submission period is June 19 - August 14, 2023

Once the call is over, you may check the status of your application by logging into your account at artCall.org. Juried status, receipt of artwork at the venue, and sales will be updated there.


All entries must follow the timelines provided.

Image submission via artCall.org must follow the guidelines in the IEA prospectus

To be juried, entries must:

   • Be original

   • Have NOT been exhibited in previous IEA juried exhibitions

   • Have NOT been completed under instruction or in direct association with a class or worksho

Once accepted, artwork must:

   • Be ready for display

   • Have a completed ID tag attached to the back, upper right-hand corner of the artwork. You will be able to print this ID tag through artCall.org.

   • Be part of the exhibit until the closing date and NOT picked up early by the artist or purchaser

NOTE: IEA reserves the right to reject entries, if necessary, in the interest of safety and ability to handle.


Please include a sales price for your work, or NFS if you do not wish to sell it. IEA requests a donation of 10% of the sale price and the artist will receive 90%.


IEA will not be responsible for loss or damage to any work of art submitted, and all works submitted and received are subject to this condition. All possible care will be used in handling entries.


Artwork must have an ID tag attached to the back, upper right-hand corner of the artwork. You will be able to print this ID tag through artCall.org.

Accepted Artwork is to arrive at Mulranny no later than October 1, 2023. Artists are responsible for all shipping charges to and from the exhibition site. Artwork must be shipped via a standard 9x12” envelope (or your local equivalent if shipping from outside the United States). If your work does not sell, we will ship it back to you and send an invoice via paypal for a flat fee of $10 to cover the return shipping costs. Shipping address to Mulranny Arts will be provided with the acceptance notification.

Honorary recognitions will be based on accepted physical artwork delivered to Mulranny Arts. The juror and IEA reserve the right to reconsider delivered artwork if it’s different from the submitted image. These works may or may not be included in the exhibition at the discretion of the committee.

International Encaustic Artists (IEA) supports the growth and advancement of encaustic and wax artists at all stages of their careers and provides opportunities and resources within a global community. 

For more information about International Encaustic Artists, or to become a member, click here!

User Entry Process Tutorial

You can leave this video on your call site's homepage (or embed it on any page) for a quick tutorial your users can watch to help them with the submission process.